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New features:
Free Windows Download For Mac
- Get Info panel has been added to the Content pane. Detailed information about a selected file. Extended file information in the Technician version like disk regions, overlapping files, etc
- Advanced options have been added to file recovery lists in the Technician version: specific file system info, overlapping files, disk regions, etc


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- Files in Extra Found Files (raw files) can now be automatically excluded from recovery if they are duplicates of files found in the real file system
- Support for NTFS cluster sizes from 128KB to 2MB has been added
- The algorithm for estimation of file recovery probability has been improved
- Memory usage has been optimized and debugged
- The Reset button has been added to the RAID Parents tab. It resets RAID parameters to those set by the Apply button
- LVM processing has been improved
R-studio For Mac Torrent
R Studio For Mac Download
- R-Studio may have temporally frozen when opening an NTFS partition with many compressed files
- R-Studio may have opened APFS partitions with many files for a long time
- The Find Previous Version of the File command may have worked incorrectly
- Mask presets may have loaded incorrectly
- Date may have changed incorrectly in the File Mask dialog box
- Multiple files that occupy the same sector may have been shown incorrectly in Text/hexadecimal editor
- If files were manually unmarked, they could not be marked for recovery using the File/Mark dialog box
- Existing files may have been shown as deleted in cross-linked folders on FAT32 partitions
- Some file dates may have been saved to File Mask presets incorrectly
- R-Studio may have crashed when opening disk images
- The Show Files command in Text/hexadecimal editor may have stopped working if file region enumeration was interrupted by the user
- The Details/Icons view may have switched incorrectly when switching opened partitions
- Units in the Size fields on the Find/Mark dialog box were always reset to Bytes
- R-Studio may have frozen or crashed when the Reopen Drive Files button was quickly clicked several times
- Sometimes mdadm RAIDs could not be automatically assembled from images
- The Apply changes immediately option could be enabled only on the second attempt
- Any changes in fthe Block order table defaulted all other RAID parameters
- R-Studio may have frozen when one LDM disk was disconnected and the Reassemble button was clicked
- R-Studio may have crashed when Text/Hexadecimal was opened from the Block information window when working with DDI
- Empty sequences were generated in the Sequences window when the Custom RAID type was selected. Those sequences could not be deleted
- The last valid RAID block order table was saved rather than the current invalid table
- The Get Info window showed wrong file info when sorting had been changed
- Clicking an empty space on the Get Info window opened Hexadecimal editor
- Files remained marked when files were recovered with the Do not recover duplicate files from Extra Found Files option enabled
- Not all information on Overlapping files and Regions when saving file names
- The Find/Mark dialog box didn't preserve selections for the Look At Files/Folders option
- A file and folder may have the same ID on the time/extension sorting tabs. Clicking such object may have resulted in jumping to another object with the same ID. For example, to a file with an ID randomly coinciding with the ID of a folder
- Saving file names for marked files didn't save names for files with links in their paths. Only link name was saved without files in the related folder
- Some small interface and cosmetic bugs have been fixed