Visual Studio 2014 For Mac

I L.O.V.E. developing on my 15” MacBook Pro, but I had some fiddling to get it just right.

Here is a quick post about how I have it configured.


  • Software: Parallels for Mac (I intend to check out VMware Fusion when I get some time.)
  • I don’t use a BootCamp partition.If you run Parallels from a BootCamp partiton you lose the ability to take snapshots, which I love.In the future, when working more with mobile emulators, I might find that I need to boot natively into Windows and change to working from a BootCamp partition.

This page contains the minimum system requirements for the Visual Studio 2017 family of products. For information on compatibility, see Visual Studio 2017 Platform Targeting and Compatibility. If you need help with improving performance, see Visual Studio performance tips and tricks. Click a button.

Figure: I allocate 8 of my 16Gb of RAM and 4 of my 8 ‘virtual’ CPUs because Visual Studio is still awesomely fast, and I often use the spare Ram and CPUs for other VMs (e.g. for testing older browsers)

Figure: I have performance optimised for the VM

Figure: My sharing settings.The ‘Shared Profile’ setting determines if you integrate Windows into OSX. I don’t enjoy this experience at all.Tip: Install DropBox on OSX, not in Windows and then tick ‘Shared Cloud’

Figure: I prefer not to share my Windows application with Mac. I don’t use Coherence. I run my VM full screen and when I’m in my Visual Studio VM I don’t want to be distracted.

Figure: I turn off the Active Screen Corners. I find them annoying and prefer shortcut keys.

Figure: I sync my Windows time from OSX

Figure: I turned off all the Mission Control shortcuts, as they interfere with my Visual Studio shortcuts.

Figure: I have turned off most of the default OSX keyboard shortcuts, but find Ctrl + F2 (Focus the OSX Menu Bar) and Ctrl + F3 handy (Focus the OSX Dock)

As always, I love feedback and suggestions.

Code faster. Work smarter. Create the future with the best-in-class IDE.

Write code with fewer errors

Type variables quickly and accurately, using IntelliSense code suggestions if you get stuck. Maintain speed no matter the complexity as you navigate to any file, type, member, or symbol declaration you need. Make quick improvements to your code using light bulbs that suggest actions such as renaming a function or adding a parameter.

Learn more about your code

CodeLens helps you easily find important insight such as what changes have been made to your code, the impact of those changes, and whether your method has been unit tested. See references, authors, tests, commit history, and other essential information at a glance.

Quickly find and fix your bugs

Visual Studio lets you pause code execution the moment you want to inspect a bug, using the breakpoint and method you need. If you’ve taken one step too far or encountered an unexpected change, you can step back to any specific line of code–no need to restart your session or recreate your state.

Work efficiently

Easily navigate and organize your test suite so you can analyze how much code you’re testing and see results instantly. Immediately know the impact of every change you make, letting advanced features test code as you type. Fix errors as soon as they happen and see if new changes are covered by existing tests.


Share more than screens

Lead your team with quick and natural collaboration using Live Share to edit and debug together in real time, no matter the language or platform. Personalize your session with access controls and custom editor settings that enforce consistent coding styles for everyone.

Build for the cloud

Get up and running quickly using templates for common application types and local Azure emulators–no need for an Azure account. You can also provision application dependencies such as Azure SQL databases and Azure Storage accounts without leaving Visual Studio. Quickly diagnose any issues using Visual Studio’s remote debugger, which attaches directly to your application.

Install only the tool and component bundles you need for development in Visual Studio

ASP.NET & web development

Build web applications using ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET (.NET Framework), HTML/JavaScript, and Containers including Docker support


Maximize your productivity developing .NET web applications using ASP.NET Core, standards-based technologies like HTML, and JavaScript.

Development applications

– Website using Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core
– Web API with ASP.NET Core MVC
– Real-time web apps with ASP.NET Core SignalR


– .NET Framework 4.x development tools
– .NET Core 2.1 development tools
– ASP.NET and web development tools
– .NET profiling tools
– Container development tools
– Cloud tools for web development
– IntelliSense, code navigation, and refactoring for C#, Visual Basic, and F#

Learn more about ASP.NET & web development


Azure SDKs, tools, and projects for developing cloud apps, creating resources, and building Containers including Docker support


Easily build, test, deploy, and manage scalable apps and services on the Microsoft cloud. Install to view resources in Cloud Explorer, create resources using Azure Manage tools, build applications for Azure Web and Cloud Services, and perform big data operations using Azure Datalake tools.

Development applications

– Publish an ASP.NET Core app to Azure in the IDE
– Test performance of a cloud service
– Debug a published Azure cloud service


– Azure development prerequisites
– .NET Framework 4.x development tools
– .NET Core 2.1 development tools
– ASP.NET and web development tools
– Container development tools

Learn more about Azure


Editing, debugging, interactive development, and source control for Python


Support for building Python web applications using familiar frameworks including Django and Flask, and Data Science applications with built-in Conda and IPython support.

Development applications

– Python applications
– Django web apps
– Flask web apps


– Support for CPython, virtualenv, venv, and conda environments
– Rich editing, IntelliSense, and code comprehension
– Interactive (REPL) environment window
– Support for Python in open folder workspaces
– Project and item templates to simplify new project creating process
– Profiling and unit testing tools
– Manage Conda environments using Miniconda
– Live Share

Learn more about Python

Node.js development

Build fast and scalable applications using Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime environment


Easily build Node.js applications using web frameworks like Express and front-end frameworks like React.

Development applications

– Node.js app with Express
– Node.js app with React
– Publish Node.js app to Azure cloud


– Project templates
– IntelliCode
– npm integration
– Interactive (REPL) environment window
– Local and remote advanced debugging
– Profiling tools to track performance
– Unit testing support
– TypeScript integration

Learn more about Node.js

.NET desktop development

Build WPF, Windows Forms, and console applications using C#, Visual Basic, and F#


Create Windows-based applications by using Windows Presentation Foundation or by using Windows Forms. Also create web applications using the .NET Framework, and client applications for computers or devices that you make available through the Microsoft Store.

Development applications

– Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
– Windows Forms


– .NET desktop development tools
– .NET Framework 4.x development tools
– .NET profiling tools
– C# and Visual Basic language support
– Entity Framework 6 tools
– IntelliTrace
– Just-In-Time debugger
– Live Unit Testing
– Live Share

Learn more about .NET desktop development

Desktop development with C++

Build modern C++ apps for Windows using the tools of your choice, including MSVC, Clang, CMake, or MS Build


C++ desktop apps run in a console or in a window. Take advantage of the powerful MSVC compiler and libraries toolset or bring your own build tools to do the job.

Development applications

– Traditional Windows Desktop applications using C++
– Windows console applications using C++


– MSVC x64/x86 build tools
– Visual C++ core desktop features
– C++ profiling tools
– Windows 10 SDK
– C++ CMake tools for Windows
– Test adapter for Google Test
– Test adapter for Boost.Test
– IntelliTrace
– Just-In-Time debugger
– Live Share

Learn more about Desktop development with C++

UWP development

Create applications for the Universal Windows Platform with C#, VB, or optionally C++


Build applications that target Windows Desktop, Xbox, HoloLens, SurfaceHub, and even Windows 10 IoT.

Development applications

– Universal Windows Platform (UWP)


– Blend for Visual Studio
– .NET Native and .NET Standard
– NuGet package manager
– Universal Windows Platform tools
– Windows 10 SDK

Learn more about UWP development

Mobile development with .NET

Build cross-platform applications for iOS, Android, or Windows using Xamarin


Build fully-native iOS, Android, and Universal Windows Platform apps using C# and XAML. Xamarin gives you full access to platform APIs and features using a single language and allows you to have a shared codebase with other .NET platforms.

Development applications

– Build cross-platform apps using Xamarin.Forms
– Access native features with the Xamarin.Essentials API


– Xamarin
– .NET Framework4.x development tools
– C# and Visual Basic language support
– Android SDK setup

Learn more about Mobile development with .NET

Mobile development with C++

Build cross-platform C++ apps for iOS or Android

Development applications

– Android Native App
– Import an XCode Project
– OpenGL ES application on Android and iOS


– Visual Studio C++ core features
– Android SDK setup
– Android NDK
– Apache Ant
– C++ Android development tools

Learn more about Mobile development with C++

Game development with Unity

Create 2D and 3D games with Unity, a powerful cross-platform development environment


Create games and interactive content and publish to 21 platforms, including all mobile platforms, WebGL, Mac, PC and Linux desktop, web or consoles.

Development applications

Develop Unity games with a premium debugging experience


– Visual Studio Tools for Unity
– C# and Visual Basic

Learn more about Game development with Unity

Game development with C++

Use the full power of C++ to build professional games powered by DirectX, Unreal, or Cocos2d


Use the full power of C++ to build professional games for Windows, Xbox, and other consoles powered by DirectX, Unreal Engine, or Cocos2d.

Development applications

– Xbox live apps
– UWP apps on HoloLens
– Marble Maze


– MSVC x64/x86 build tools
– Visual Studio C++ core features
– Windows Universal C Runtime
– C++ profiling tools
– Windows 10 SDK
– IntelliTrace

Learn more about Game development with C++

Data storage & processing

Connect, develop, and test data solutions using SQL Server, Azure Data Lake, Hadoop, or Azure ML


The Data workload enables you to develop across a wide range of relational and big data assets. It provides you the tools to develop queries against databases, data warehouses and data lakes, whether on-premises or in Azure. It provides support for SQL, U-SQL, and Hive.

Development applications

– Use SQL Server Data Tools to design, deploy, and mantain databases
– Develop U-SQL scripts by using Azure Data Lake Tools
– Run Hive queries with Hadoop on Azure HDInsight


– SQL Server Data Tools
– Azure Data Lake and Stream Analytics Tools
– .NET Framework 4.x development tools

Learn more about Data storage & processing

Data science & analytical applications

Languages and tooling for creating data science applications, including Python and F#


Use R and Python for wide range of scenarios such as data acquisition, cleaning, model training, deployment, and plotting. Use F#, a powerful functional-first .NET language, for a wide variety of data processing tasks.

Development applications

– Create visual data plots with R
– Work with the R interactive (REPL) window
– Create machine learning models using R and Microsoft ML Server


– R and Microsoft R Client language support & runtime distributions
– Python and Anaconda language support & runtime distributions
– F# with the .NET framework language support & runtime distributions

Learn more about Data science & analytical applications

Visual Studio extension development

Create add-ons and extensions for Visual Studio, including new commands, code analyzers, and tool windows


Add the SDKs and tools you need to create new commands, code analyzers, tool windows, and language services using C#. Then, share your extension with the community in the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Development applications

– Extensions for Visual Studio IDE
– Software development kit development


– Visual Studio SDK
– Visual Studio extension development prerequisites
– .NET profiling tools
– IntelliTrace

2014 Learn more about Visual Studio extension development


Visual Studio 2014 For Mac Python

Create Office and SharePoint add-ins, SharePoint solutions, and VSTO add-ins using C#, VB, and JavaScript


Take advantage of various project templates to extend Office and SharePoint. Easily build, debug, and publish your add-ins and solutions from Visual Studio.

Development applications

– Office add-ins
– VSTO add-ins
– SharePoint add-ins
– SharePoint solutions


– Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio
– .NET Framework 4.5 targeting pack
– .NET Framework 4.x development tools
– Developer Analytics tools

Learn more about Office/SharePoint

Linux development with C++

Create and debug applications running in a Linux environment or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)


Build and run code on a remote machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux and browse, edit, and debug from within Visual Studio. Use CMake to target multiple platforms from the comfort of a single IDE.

Development applications

– Get Started


– Visual Studio C++ core features
– Windows Universal C Runtime
– Visual C++ for Linux Development
– Visual C++ tools for CMake and Linux

Learn more about Linux development with C++

.NET Core cross-platform development

Build cross-platform applications using .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, HTML/JavaScript, and Containers including Docker support


.NET Core is an open source, general-purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. It’s cross-platform (supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux), and can be used to build device, cloud, and IoT applications.

Development applications

– Complete .NET Core solution on Windows
– Docker images for .NET Core applications
– C# console application using .NET Core


– .NET Core 2.x development tools
– .NET Framework 4.x development tools
– ASP.NET and web development tools prerequisites
– Cloud tools for web development
– .NET profiling tools
– IntelliTrace
– Live Unit Testing
– Live Share Learn more about .NET Core cross-platform development

Get more done with dedicated project templates for Azure. These Quickstart templates give you a working app so you can immediately deploy to the cloud.

Deploy your application to Azure directly from Visual Studio with one click, easily connecting to your database of choice.

If you’re dealing with an issue that is hard to reproduce locally on your machine, you can use Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio to quickly and easily attach the Visual Studio remote debugger to your Azure environment.

Manage and explore your Azure resources and resource groups from Visual Studio using Cloud Explorer. You can inspect their properties and perform key diagnostic actions easily.

Stay comfortable and productive with our most popular add-ons

Live Q&A with Visual Studio Big Wigs

Streamline your dream dev team

Taking DevOps to the next level with GitHub and Azure DevOps

Accelerate your C++ development

Cross-platform iOS & Android development with Xamarin

Build amazing web apps with .NET Core

A tour of Visual Studio for Mac for .NET development

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Quickly take your applications to the “edge” with IoT and .NET Core

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Visual Studio 2014 For Mac C#

Marc Goodner