Visual Studio Community For Mac Vs Enterprise

Active3 months ago

Microsoft recently released Visual Studio Code and I am a little confused about its usage, since Visual Studio has lot of similarities functionally with it.

  • The lowest tier, Visual Studio Community 2015, is on par with Visual Studio Community 2013 and will remain free. Visual Studio Professional 2015 with MSDN will cost $1,199 and correspond fairly directly with Video Studio Professional 2013 with MSDN. Microsoft is also offering a free upgrade to the Enterprise tier for certain customers.
  • Developer Community for Visual Studio Product family. I purchased a license for VS 2017 Enterprise and was able to successfully activate it on Windows thru add Product Key feature.

Best Video Software for the Mac How To Run MacOS High Sierra or Another OS on Your Mac Best. Please submit your review for Visual Studio Community. Visual Studio 2007; Microsoft Visual C.

VisualSteven M. Vascellaro
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6 Answers

Visual Studio (full version) is a 'full-featured' and 'convenient' development environment.

Visual Studio (free 'Express' versions - only until 2017) are feature-centered and simplified versions of the full version. Feature-centered meaning that there are different versions (Visual Studio Web Developer, Visual Studio C#, etc.) depending on your goal.

Visual Studio (free Community edition - since 2015) is a simplified version of the full version and replaces the separated express editions used before 2015.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a cross-platform (Linux, Mac OS, Windows) editor that can be extended with plugins to your needs.

For example if you want to create an ASP.NET application using VS Code you need to perform several steps on your own to setup the project. There is a separate tutorial for each OS.

Jenny O'ReillyJenny O'Reilly
12.4k7 gold badges44 silver badges57 bronze badges

Visual Studio Code is an editor while Visual Studio is an IDE.

Visual Studio Code is cross-platform and fast, while Visual Studio is Windows/Mac only and not fast.

Note that Visual Studio for Mac is available now but is a different product compared to Visual Studio (Windows). It's based on Xamarin Studio and lacks support for some older .NET project types. It does successfully build solutions created in VS 2017. VS mac has a more limited UI (for example, no customizable toolbar). So for cross-platform work. VS Code may still be preferable.

4,3103 gold badges22 silver badges45 bronze badges
John PapaJohn Papa
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I will provide a detailed differences between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code below.

If you really look at it the most obvious difference is that .NET has been split into two:

  • .NET Core (Mac, Linux, and Windows)
  • .NET Framework (Windows only)

All native user interface technologies (Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, etc.) are part of the framework, not the core.

The 'Visual' in Visual Studio (from Visual Basic) was largely synonymous with visual UI (drag & drop WYSIWYG) design, so in that sense, Visual Studio Code is Visual Studio without the Visual!

The second most obvious difference is that Visual Studio tends to be oriented around projects & solutions.

Visual Studio Code:

  • It's a lightweight source code editor which can be used to view, edit, run, and debug source code for applications.
  • Simply it is Visual Studio without the Visual UI, majorly a superman’s text-editor.
  • It is mainly oriented around files, not projects.
  • It does not have any scaffolding support.
  • It is a competitor of Sublime Text or Atom on Electron.
  • It is based on the Electron framework, which is used to build cross platform desktop application using web technologies.
  • It does not have support for Microsoft's version control system; Team Foundation Server.
  • It has limited IntelliSense for Microsoft file types and similar features.
  • It is mainly used by developers on a Mac who deal with client-side technologies (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS).

Visual Studio:

  • As the name indicates, it is an IDE, and it contains all the features required for project development. Like code auto completion, debugger, database integration, server setup, configurations, and so on.
  • It is a complete solution mostly used by and for .NET related developers.It includes everything from source control to bug tracker to deployment tools, etc. It has everything required to develop.
  • It is widely used on .NET related projects (though you can use it for other things). The community version is free, but if you want to make most of it then it is not free.
  • Visual Studio is aimed to be the world’s best IDE (integrated development environment), which provide full stack develop toolsets, including a powerful code completion component called IntelliSense, a debugger which can debug both source code and machine code, everything about ASP.NET development, and something about SQL development.

  • In the latest version of Visual Studio, you can develop cross-platform application without leaving the IDE. And Visual Studio takes more than 8 GB disk space (according to the components you select).

  • In brief, Visual Studio is an ultimate development environment, and it’s quite heavy.


Peter Mortensen
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Sajeetharan - MSFTSajeetharan - MSFT
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Microsoft Visual Studio Community For Mac


Complementing the previous answers, one big difference between both is that Visual Studio Code comes in a so called 'portable' version that does not require full administrative permissions to run on Windows and can be placed in a removable drive for convenience.

Peter Mortensen
14.4k19 gold badges88 silver badges117 bronze badges

Visual Studio

  • IDE
  • Except for free editions, it is a paid IDE.
  • It is quite heavy on CPU and lags on lower end PCs.
  • It is mostly used for Windows software development including DirectX programs, Windows API, etc.
  • Advanced IntelliSense (best one ever; Visual Studio Code's IntelliSense extension takes second place)
  • It features built-in debuggers, easy-to-configure project settings (though developers tend to not use the GUI ones)
  • Microsoft support (more than Visual Studio Code)
  • Mostly used for C/C++ (Windows), .NET and C# projects along with SQL Server, database, etc.
  • Extreme large download size, space utilization and the slow downs over time.
    • It is the only con that forces me to use Visual Studio Code for smaller projects*
  • Includes tools to generate dependency graphs. Refactoring tools have great support for Visual Studio.
  • Has a VYSIWYG editor for VB.NET, C++.NET, and C#. (It is easy enough for first time users instead of getting through windows.h)

Visual Studio Code

  • Free open source text editor
  • Has IntelliSense (but it doesn't work out of box if Visual Studio is not installed, need to configure to point to MinGW, etc.)
  • Smaller download size and RAM requirements. With IntelliSense it requires around 300 MB RAM. (Edit : Some header files tend to blow up memory requirements to 7-8 GBs eg. OpenGL and GLM Libraries)
  • It works on lower-end PCs. (it is still slow to start up especially if PowerShell is used instead of CMD)
  • Lower support (open source, so you can modify it yourself)
  • Build tasks are project specific. Even if you want to build it in a vanilla configuration.
  • Mostly used for web development (this applies to all free text editors). They tend to show off JavaScript / HTML support over C/C++. Visual Studio shows off Visual Basic/C++ over other languages.
  • Lack of good extensions (it's still new though)
  • Gives you a hard time to reconfigure your project/workspace settings. I prefer the GUI way.
  • Cross platform
  • Has an integrated terminal (PowerShell is too slow at startup though)
  • It is best for smaller projects and test code (you know if you are bored and want to print 'Hello, World!', it does not make sense to wait 3-5 minutes while Visual Studio loads up, and then another minute or 2 at project creation and then finally getting it to print 'Hello, World!').

Visual Studio Code is integrated with a command prompt / terminal, hence it will be handy when there is switching between IDE and terminal / command prompt required, for example: connecting to Linux.

Peter Mortensen
14.4k19 gold badges88 silver badges117 bronze badges

Visual Studio For Mac Community Vs Enterprise

Kushhh AlllKushhh Alll

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